Food aid

Ukraine is a major global producer of food. It is the world’s fourth-largest grain exporter and produces 42% of the worlds sunflower oil, 16% of maize and 9% of wheat.

As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues, their ability to harvest and distribute has been affected. As a result, access to food has been disrupted and is expected to worsen according to the UN World Food Program (UNWFP) report.

Currently 1 in 3 households in Ukraine are found to be “food insecure”. In a recent study, 42% of the respondents felt worried about having enough food to last the week. With winter approaching, this situation is expected to worsen.

To assist with this, to date we have delivered over 20 tons of canned produce for distribution to aid centres in Ukraine. With your donations, we will continue to deliver food to Ukraine and to those directly affected by this conflict.

Images of our Food aid projects

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