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Help Support Ukraine Now, Every Donation Counts

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Every Donation Counts

At we are an Australian, strictly non-political driven medical/ food humanitarian/disaster relief provider. Our intentions are to provide immediate aid alongside a long-term strategy for displaced women and children in struggling human disaster relief and war-torn zones.
Our current focus is Ukrainian families and children. Our core principles are honesty, integrity, and humility.
Every day, hundreds and thousands of innocent Ukrainians have been affected by the current war, which has led to a plethora of humanitarian issues. aims to provide care and support within the following key areas of disaster relief: Medical Aid, Food Aid, Education and Refugee Processing.

We can not do this alone, we desperately need your help. We constantly update our website to show and prove where each dollar of your donation is going towards.

Please support us, every donation is counts!

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Ukrainian refugees have been displaced.
Children need urgent medical support
0 has over 15 constant disaster relief projects

Our Medical Team Interview

Our Medical Team Interview

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Our Humanitarian Projects

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Change a life today

Help millions of displaced Ukrainian refugees and innocent children that have been affected by the horrible impacts of war.

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